Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Willem: third blogpost

A brief note on last Thursday and Friday

Thursday was ridiculous busy. In the morning I went to different LTI´s 
again. One of them was the culinary arts museum where a student works 
together with the museum. I saw the relevance for him and the museum 
shown in what he had made. Somewhere in the past, president Abraham 
Lincoln had given a dinner to his guests and the recipe of that dinner 
has survived but only in the old English language and even French. So 
the student had to go back to the sources which were old books which 
you can only find in special libraries and not on the Internet. When 
visitors nowadays come to the museum and see the old recipe of that 
dinner and Abraham Lincoln´s picture overseeing this, there´s a 
digital tool where they can look up what was in the original menu with 
all the specifications. Cool museum! Cool LTI!

That afternoon I went to see the office where the partnerships are set 
up. That´s something I really want to do back in the Netherlands. 
Setting up partnerships with local organizations which deal with 
environmental and ecological issues and going outdoors to be in touch 
with it. I think about Staatsbosbeheer, Rijkswaterstaat, 
Natuurvereniging etc. Friday I went to Bristol (I have been there 
before but in a different country though) to the audobon society. A 
society formed by volunteers to bring people close to the natural 
environment. I loved the birdwatching we did!

Finally I got all the names of the staff and their task within the 
building. That will work! Because I desperately need them.....(for my 
own learning plan)

I had a very good talk with Vera the social worker. She´s given me 
support in some ideas I´d like to develop back in the Netherlands. 
She´s doing the same thing right here! Turning a liability into a 
strength and working on your academic goals at the meantime.

I can say the same about the talk I had with Carrie, which I will talk 
about later. She´s camping now and we´re meeting again Friday.

To conclude. Although there are no marks to be given to the different 
topics and subjects conveyed by the students...I noticed that there´s 
a way of crediting work. Have to find out more about that!!

Willem van Haaften
CSG Prins Maurits, Middelharnis

1 comment:

  1. Dieuwertje,

    Nice to see your Blog. Great tot read (also between the lines) what you've learned and what difference you can spot between our Dutch culture /approach and way of working with learning and the Big Picture filosofy.
    Lots Succes during your last week!~
    Bart van Kuik (KPC Groep)
